Never make someone a priority if they consider you an option

I cant lie, I have a serious love/hate relationship with this image and this quote... I love that they fit each other so well, but I hate how true it is, and how almost everyone has allowed themselves to fall into this "trap" at one point or another.

Making someone your priority, when all you are to them is an option is one of the most painful situations that BOTH men and women allow themselves to end up in. I say this mainly because no one can "do this to you", this is something that we do to ourselves. In relationships we often become so absorbed in trying to please our partners, that we neglect to reap in return the fruits of this labor. Being in a mutually loving relationship can be a beautiful thing but often times its not as mutual as we think and when we realize this its often too late to do something about it.

Now here comes the tricky part, how do you know if you are just an option?
There really is no sure fire way to tell, because all relationships are different, but here are some examples:
  • You often feel disappointed by your partner (your partner does not live up to your expectations)
  • You find yourself weighing the contributions that each of you make to the relationship ("I always do or give more than you/I love you more/you don't love me enough")
  • You feel under appreciated
  • You find yourself feeling "territorial"
  • Your partner does not offer you exclusivity
  • Your partner does not attempt to create a sense of security

I know you may be thinking that these are just textbook signs of insecurity or trust issues, however, often times such issues are key symptoms of such a relationship.

Now, how can you tell if you are making your partner too much of a priority?

In any mutually loving relationship, your partner becomes a priority, but if the relationship is not balanced, here are some key signs that you are putting too much into a relationship:

  • You find yourself neglecting your responsibilities (work, school, etc)
  • You put the happiness of your partner before your own happiness (If he/she is happy, then I am happy)
  • You neglect your family and friends and end up feeling isolated
  • You feel that your relationship is a financial strain (you should never feel that your relationship is costing you too much, any money spent in an mutually loving relationship would never be thought of as a waste or a mistake)

Most importantly, this applies to both men and women, in any relationship, You should always feel loved, valued, and most importantly RESPECTED..

What are your thoughts?

6 Response to Never make someone a priority if they consider you an option

September 14, 2010 at 6:06 AM

I love this! So many people think that their "relationships" are positve and fruitful, when in all actuality they are the complete opposite. So many couples are in lust with each other that they become blind to the negative impacts they're making on each other.

September 14, 2010 at 6:40 AM

EXACTLY! I knew I could count on you to shed some fruitful insight on this topic!

September 14, 2010 at 2:16 PM

In a situation when someone feels like the option it is not completly their fault. often ppl are tricked into thinking someone can be changed any attractive person who says your the only person they are talking to 90% of the time they are lying, however they have to lie because do you really want to hear the truth? the truth is no. we are selfish and greeding creatures by nature and we want to be the center of a person universe you can disagree but if you do your agreeing to not being human. we are not all greed and selfishness nevertheless we have these traits. why dont we want to hear the truth because the truth and our ability to want cannot co-exist. we allow our selves to be options in hopes of changing a person. which is sad that as ppl we are willing to hurt ourselves and play the option role all in the name of "LOVE"

September 14, 2010 at 4:16 PM

I couldn't agree more Jaye, its true, everyone wants to be someones everything... Sadly its often not the case..

September 19, 2010 at 7:48 PM

Gotta love this topic...

September 20, 2010 at 6:17 AM

Thanks Jim for all ur support!

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