Contrary to Popular Belief, Older women are better in Bed... via Yahoo

Good Morning Everyone!

Interesting topic this morning! While doing my daily news feed read, I came across a article on Yahoo Shine, about the popular misconception that younger women are better sex partners.  Basically the article touched on the point that culture has a huge impact on what people tend to find sexy and western culture has an unrealistic model that young = sexy/more sexual.  More and more women of today find themselves feeding into such stereotypes and try to appear younger and feel less and less sexy as they age, when it should be the opposite. 

We are brainwashed into thinking that women in their teens and early twenties are sexually perfect, because from the evolutionary perspective men are naturally attracted to women that are the most fertile (full hips, large breasts, etc) but if you think for a moment about what makes a woman a good lover, its skill and experience. 

After reading that article I made a few phone calls and asked around to men that I know.. All seemed to agree, Older Women = Better Sex.  Older women know their bodies, and how to use them, they are more comfortable discussing sex and trying new things, and they are usually more sexually skilled over all.  One guy I asked said "When I was 17 I had sex with a 32 year old woman, and she licked my ass, and I liked it, so when I was with younger women I would ask them to, and they would be grossed out", that's just one example. Another man said "Hell yeah, older women are way better in bed, they know how to give head, they aren't afraid to swallow", and my favorite response was this one, "Older women are not only better in bed, but they don't make you feel nervous to try new things and do what comes naturally, think about when you were 18-20, are you a better lover now?" and the truth is, I am.. Years later I find myself happier with my body then I was when I was a teenager, although its not half as "perfect" and I know enough about myself to enjoy sex a lot more, and like I always say, the key to great sex is enjoying it and seeing your partner enjoy it.

What are your thoughts on this topic??

3 Response to Contrary to Popular Belief, Older women are better in Bed... via Yahoo

January 10, 2011 at 12:34 PM

Im going to keep this ons short as possible the hot topic of younger men older women biologically makes sense. women tend to become more sexual towards their early 30's to late 40's so pretty much some 20+ years of being some horny ass females which is why often they are not satisfied by men their own age because as men age we lose our drive to have as much sex as we did when we get older( many reasons for this) but as men age and our desire not to have as much sex does not coincide with women urge to have more sex as they age Do you see where Im getting at older women = younger men and vise versa makes a lot of sense doesn't it but

January 12, 2011 at 5:04 PM

but what jeremy

January 13, 2011 at 11:34 AM

the But is society as a whole look down the on the cougar cub relationship however it makes the most since biologically

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